Research papers, 2020

Kovács, T., Mikó, E., Ujlaki, Gy., Sári, Zs., Bai, P.: The microbiome as a component of the tumor microenvironment. könyvfejezet: Birbrair, A. (ed.): Tumor Microenvironment, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1225, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, Chapter 10, 137-153 (2020)


Hegedűs, Cs., Boros, G., Fidrus, E., Kis, G.N., Antal, M., Juhász, T., Janka, E.A., Jankó, L., Parag, Gy., Emri, G., Bai, P., Remenyi, É.: PARP1 inhibition augments UVB-mediated mitochondrial changes – implications for UV-induced DNA repair and photocarcrinogenesis. Cancers 12(5), pp. 1-29 (2020)


Kiss, B., Szántó, M., Hegedűs, Cs., Antal, D., Szödényi, A., Márton, J., Méhes, G., Virág, L., Szegedi, A., Bai, P.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 depletion enhances the severity of inflammation in an imiquimod-induced model of psoriasis. Experimental Dermatoloty 29, 79-85 (2020)


Szántó, M., Bai, P.: The role of ADP-ribose metabolism in metabolic regulation, adipose tissue differentiation and metabolism. Genes and Development 34, 1-20 (2020)


Csernus, B., Bíró, S., Babinszky, L., Komlósi, I., Jávor, A., Stündl, L., Remenyik, J., Bai, P., Oláh, J., Pesti-Asbóth, G., Czeglédi, L.: Effect of carotenoids, oligosaccharides and anthocyanins on growth performance, immunological parameters and intestinal morphology in broiler chickens challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. Animals 10 (347), 1-20 (2020)


Jankó, L., Sári, Zs., Kovács, T., Kis, G., Szántó, M., Antal, M., Juhász, G., Bai, P.: Silencing of PARP2 blocks autophagic degradation. Cells 9 (380), 1-21 (2020)


Docsa, T., Bhattarai, D., Sipos, Á., Wade, C.E., Cox, C.S., Uray, K.: CXCL1 is upregulated during the development of ileus resulting in decreased intestinal contractile activity. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 32, pp. 1-12,  e13757 (2020)


Vida, A., Bodrogi, B.L., Balogh, B., Bai, P.: Taxamat: automated biodiversity data management tool – implications for microbiome studies. Physiology International 107 (1), 12-17 (2020)


Kiss, A., Ráduly, A.P., Regdon, Zs., Polgár, Zs., Tarapcsák, Sz., Sturniolo, I., El-Hamoly, T., Virág, L., Hegedűs, Cs.: Targeting nuclear NAD+ synthesis inhibits DNA repair, impairs metabolic adaptation increases chemosensitivity of U-2OS osteosarcoma cells. Cancers 12,  (1180) 1-21 (2020)


Lontay, B., Kiss, A., Virág, L., Tar, K.: How do post-translational modifications influence the pathomechanistic landscape of Huntington’s disease? A comprehensive review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 4282, 1-34 (2020)


Szabó, Z., Marosvölgyi, T., Szabó, É., Bai, P., Figler, M., Verzár, Zs.: The potential beneficial effect of EPA and DHA supplementation managing cytokine storm in Coronavirus Disease. Frontiers in Physiology 11, 1-5 (2020)


Alatshan, A., Kovács, G.E., Aladdin, A., Czimmerer, Zs., Tar, K., Benkő, Sz.: All-trans retinoic acid enhances both the signalling for priming and the glycolysis for activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in human macrophage. Cells 9, 1-21 (2020)


Douida, A., Batista, F., Robaszkiewicz, A., Boto, P., Aladdin, A., Szenykiv, M., Czinege, R., Virág, L., Tar, K.: The proteasome activator PA200 regulates expression of genes involved in cell survival upon selective mitochondrial inhibition in neuroblastoma cells.

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 24, 6716-6730 (2020)


Kiss, B., Mikó, E., Sebő, É., Tóth, J., Ujlaki, Gy., Szabó, J., Uray, K., Bai, P., Árkosy, P.: Oncobiosis and microbial metabolite signaling in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Cancers 12, 1068, 1-27 (2020) 


Uray, K., Major, E., Lontay, B.: MicroRNA regulatory pathways in the control of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton. Cells 9, 1649, 1-32 (2020)


Sári, Zs., Mikó, E., Kovács, T., Jankó, L., Csonka, T., Lente, G., Sebő, É., Toth, J., Tóth, D., Árkosy, P., Boratkó, A., Ujlaki, Gy., Török, M., Kovács, I., Szabó, J., Kiss, B., Méhes, G., Goedert, J.J., Bai, P.: Indolepropionic acid, a metabolite of the microbiome, has cytostatic properties in breast cancer by activating AHR and PXR receptors and inducing oxidative stress. Cancers 12, 2411, pp. 1-27 (2020)


Nagy, L., Béke, F., Juhász, L., Kovács, T., Juhász-Tóth, É., Docsa, T., Tóth, A., Gergely, P., Somsák, L., Bai, P.: Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor, 2,3-bis[(2E)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enamido] butanedioic acid (BF142), improves baseline insulin secretion of MIN6 insulinoma cells.  Plos One 15(9), pp. 1-15 (2020)


Sári, Zs., Kovács, T., Csonka, T., Török, M., Sebő, É., Toth, J., Tóth, D., Mikó, E., Kiss, B., Szeőcs, D., Uray, K., Karányi, Zs., Kovács, I., Méhes, G., Árkosy, P., Bai, P.: Fecal expression of Escherichia coli lysine decarboxylase (LdcC) is downregulated in E-cadherin negative lobular breast carcinoma. Physiology International 107 (2), 349-358 (2020)


Curtin, N., Bányai, K., Thaventhiran, J., Le Quesne, J., Helyes, Zs., Bai, P.: Repositioning PARP inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 infecdtion (COVID-19); a new multipronged therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome? British Journal of Pharmacology 177, 3635-3645 (2020)


Dongaonkar, R.M., Quick, C.M., Laine, G.A., Uray, K., Cox C.S., Stewart, R.H.: Adaptation of the hepatic transudation barrier to sinusoidal hypertension. American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 318(4), R722-R729 (2020)


Uray, K.S., Peng, Z., Cattano, D., Eltzschig, K., Doursout, M-F.: Development of pulmonary fibrosis after heart failure induced by elevated left atrial pressure. American Journal of Translational Research 12 (8), 4639-4647 (2020)


Sári, Zs., Mikó, E., Kovács, T., Boratkó, A., Ujlaki, Gy., Jankó, L., Kiss, B., Uray, K., Bai, P.: Indoxylsulfate, a metabolite of the microbiome, has cytostatic effects in breast cancer via activation of AHR and PXR receptors and induction of oxidative stress. Cancers 12, 2915, pp. 1-23 (2020)


Aladdin, A., Yao, Y., Yang, C., Kahlert, G., Ghani, M., Király, N., Boratkó, A., Uray, K., Dittmar, G., Tar, K.: The proteasome activators Blm10/PA200 enhance the proteasomal degradation of N-terminal Huntingtin. Biomolecules 2020 10, 1581, p: 1-33 (2020)


Smolková, K., Mikó, E., Kovács, T., Leguina-Ruzzi, A., Sipos, A., Bai, P.: Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-related Factor 2 in regulating cancer metabolism. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 33 (1), 966-997 (2020)


Curtin, N., Bai, P.: PARPs, PAR and NAD metabolism and their inhibitors in cancer. Cancers 12, 3494, pp. 1-3 (2020)


Csernus, B., Bíró, S., Stündl, L., Remenyik, J., Bai, P., Fehér, M., Minya, D., Czeglédi, L.: Effects of bioactive plant expracts on the immune-related gene expression of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)..Acta Agraria Debreceniensis 2020-2, 49-56 (2020)


Mészáros, B., Papp, F., Mocsár, G., Kókai, E., Kovács, K., Tajti, G., Panyi, Gy.: The voltage-gated proton channel hHv1 is functionally expressed in human chorion-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Scientific Reports 10:7100, pp 1-16 (2020)


Méhes, G., Matolay, O., Beke, L., Czenke, M., Pórszász, R., Mikó, E., Bai, P., Berényi, E., Trencsényi, Gy.: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide enhances CHOP treatment response and stimulates effector T-cell infiltration in A20/BalbC murine B-cell lymphoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 5001, p:1-14 (2020)


Lódi, M., Bánhegyi, V., Bódi, B., Gyöngyösi, A., Kovács, Á., Árokszállási, A., Hamdani, N., Fagyas, M., Édes, I., Csanádi, Z., Czuriga, I., Kisvárday, Z., Lekli, I., Bai, P., Tóth, A., Papp, Z., Czuriga, D.: Prophylactic, single-drug cardioprotection in a comparative, experimental study of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Journal of Translational Medicine 18:470, p. 1-18 (2020)


Herrera, J., Bockhorst, K., Bhattarai, D., Uray, K.: Gastrointestinal vascular permeability changes following spinal cord injury. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2020 (32), p 1-10 (2020)


Goyard, D., Kónya, B., Czifrák, K., Larini, P., Dermontrond, F., Leroy, J., Balzarin, S., Tournier, M., Tousch, D., Petit, P., Duret, C., Maurel, P., Docsa, T., Gergely, P., Somsák, L., Praly, J-P., Azay-Milhau, J., Vidal, S.: Glucose-based spiro-oxathiazoles as in vivo anti-hyperglycemic agents through glycogen phosphorylase inhibition

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 18, 931-940 (2020)



Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 05. 08. 10:22